Waiting at our station when we got into the room to set up our stations was a FULL SET of Rubbernecker stamps!! Do you see how stinkin cute my set is!! WOW!!
I had no idea I was gonna get all this free loot, but seriously, it rocked!! Also at our station was a free stamp from Alotta Rubber Stamps and from Clear Dollar Stamps, which totally rocked!! And you see those cute little Peppermint patties, well, you won't find them here anymore, but they were awesome too!!LOL!! Also, one of the ladies(actually two for me) took the time to print out a coupon for a local scrapbook store that I had NEVER HEARD OF!!! How could they hide such a thing from me. To think, I was driving right past this little jewel on my way to Joanns and Hobby Lobby! I can't wait to go see what they have for me to spend too much money on!!LOL!! Thanks Trudy and Thala!! I totally need help being enabled!!

Next, between the entrie fees and all the donated stuff
(Rubbernecker, My Favorite Things, I Brake For Stamps, Clear Dollar Stamps, Rubber Stamp Avenue, Alota Rubber Stamps, Starlit Studios, Carol Payne(SU demo), Christy Sullivan(The Angel Co. demo), and Thela Chestosky(SU)), everyone got a door prize, and some people got two. My friend that was supposed to go with me, had to back out at the last minute and the ladies that hosted the swap insisted on making sure she got her door prize, free set, and a card from everyone. I spent the last couple of hours working on cards for her because I got done early. Some of the ladies even went ahead and made theirs for her, and I couldn't thank them enough, it will mean so much to her!!