"Please go help Melanie Muenchinger celebrate a year of blogging and stamp designing over at her blog “Hands, Head and Heart”. Melanie and her guest designers will be sharing cards and projects from all her sets released through Gina K Designs this past year and prizes will be up for grabs every day! Sponsors include, Gina K Designs, My Favorite Things, Scor-pal, Paper Temptress, and Melanie herself, who is donating, among other goodies, a brand new box of Copic Ciaos! There will be also be challenges, contests, and a Who’s Who “Where are the Now?” on several of her past contest winners and guest designers! Come join in the fun and help spread the word, see you there!"
Sounds AWESOME right?? I thought so too!! So, if you don't remember, I was one of Melanie's very first Guest Designers, and I am still to this day HONORED to have been given the chance to work with her for an entire month!! Not only that, I got to room with her in Texas when I went there for the Arlington Shoebox Swap, which more fun than you can even imagine...completely exhausting, but fun!!

Well, that is it for me now!! Be sure to check out the other designers that are helping out as well as Miss Melanie herself!!