So, two weeks ago the fabulous and wonderful Julie challenged the Pretties to make a one layer card with scoring on it...HUH???? To quote a friend who shall remain nameless "asking me to make a one layer card is like asking me to breath only once an hour".
Obviously, and this will come as no surprise to you, but I really don't DO one layer cards-my normal minimum is around 6, so this challenge, well it was painful. I have yet to indulge in a special scoring tool, so I have a hard time doing anything but straight lines, and after I got done with my card, I realized then that I had BURIED the lines under my So, they are there, you just don't see them. My base is PTI white cardstock, which up until now was the strongest white(did you hear the news at Gina K. WAHHOOO). I stamped my Angel Wings image on it and then colored her in with my SU markers and a glitter pen. I put the glitter all over her wings and the trim on her dress. I added 3 dew drops from Robin's Nest, and added some white organdy ribbon and silver cord. This card was SO hard to get a picture of too. It is dark and rainy here today, and I just couldn't get it to photograph well...that's what I get for waiting til the last minute!! Well, that is it for me for sure to check out what all my other Pretties have created for you today...I am sure they are all AMAZING!!

Julie Masse
Charmaine Ikach
Jillian Winters
Danielle Lounds
Jodi Collins
Jackie Rakoski
Jackie Pedro
Jessica Diedrich
Charmaine Ikach
Jillian Winters
Danielle Lounds
Jodi Collins
Jackie Rakoski
Jackie Pedro
Jessica Diedrich
This week it is my turn to challenge the Pretties, so here goes girls!! Make a card using pearls as an embellishment!! If you would like to play along, and we would LOVE it if you do, just leave a link here so that I can share your work with my fellow team mates!!
Don't forget to check out the HUGE sale still going on at Paper Pretties, and while you are there, click on the Paper Clip link to see what's up with Paper Pretties on our new blogaroo!!