For those of you that come here for Jared updates, today is his first birthday!! I cannot believe it!! It really feels like only yesterday that he made his entrance into the world and I thank God everyday for blessing us with him. I know I am a TAD attached to him, since I see him a TON, but seriously...I think I love him more than my stamps, lol!!
This was a picture of him last night taking a bath before bedtime. I was playing with his hair while his mom took pictures...too funny!! I used to do this, and still do, with my nieces, but their hair is pretty long so you can't get a full on mohawk...hehe. He has his one year check up today, so we will try to get a full length picture of him while we are there...I can't wait to see how much he has grown!!
That is it for me today, thanks and have a great one!!