So, I let some people know my "news" tonight at the My Favorite Things release party, so I figured it was time to share it here. Recently, I was away from my blog, and stamping for about two weeks. I am NEVER absent, and in fact used to post everyday. I am still working on getting back to that, but I feel the need to explain my absence....don't ask why, I have no clue. Honestly, I think it is therapeutic for me to talk about it out loud, in a sense. So, on March 13th, FRIDAY March 13th, my (now ex) husband decided that he no longer wished to be married. I was SHOCKED to say the least, and completely overwhelmed. Within two days, with the help of my AMAZING family, I had packed up and moved every thing that I could possibly want out of the house(except for the hand mixer-got no CLUE why I didn't grab that-oh ya, I hate to cook). Within a week, we were both in the lawyers office, and by the first week, yes I said FIRST week of April, we were divorced. INSANE RIGHT?? Before you all start to worry about me and feel bad, which you may still, I am doing REALLY good. I am stamping, which is what I love, and my family has stepped up and taken care of me. I am now living with my Dad(and sister part time), which is a tad demeaning, but very cost effective, and still carrying on life as usual. Eventually, I will have to get a job where I actually get paid(I was watching Jared for free...I still watch him, but I do get paid a little now), but for now, my situation is good and my spirits are high. In fact, I can't believe how depressed I had let myself get, until it was over. I had known for awhile that things were not the way they should be, but I guess I had turned a blind eye because him making the decision completely caught me off guard. Apparently, I took vows, he just "repeated after me", if you know what I mean!! Don't get me wrong, I am still terrified of the unknown. I have always wanted kids, and I am afraid that with my infertility issues, I won't ever be able to have my own. I am terrified that I will end up alone and broke...but for now, I am taking things one day at a time. This too shall pass, and I will be better for it!! With all that said, I want to publicly thank all the FABULOUS Design Teams that I work for for being so sweet, supportive, and understanding. To all my friends that have sent me RAK's, countless PM's and emails, and gifts galore, I want you to know that each and every one of you mean more to me than you will ever know. I look at your cards everyday and I wonder how I ever got so lucky to meet so many beautiful, kind and caring people. You really, truly mean the world to me and I don't know how I would have made it through without yours and my families support!!

Well, that is it for me now..thanks for stopping by and for listening, if you actually read my post. Have a great day!!