Okay, so I am probably the worst person in the world to tag or give an award too!!

I just spent the last 20mins going through my blog posts looking for all the awards I have been given so that I can post them!! I only found a few, so if you tagged me, and I didn't get to it, I am so sorry(don't think I don't appreciate it, I am just an airhead)!! The first award was given to me by
Joan. It is the Stempel award. I am so honored that she would think of me for this award!! Thanks so much Joan, sorry it took me so long to post!!

The next award I received from
Jackie Pedro and
Vickie Waugh. It is the Brillante Award. The rules for this award are:
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
2. Link to the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you have nominated.
Thanks so much girls...truly you both rock!!
The last was actually a tag from Donna, and it was to list 7 random things about myself. I have done this twice, so I am gonna try to come up with 7 new things...
1. I have two tattoos-people are usually shocked to hear this, but I feel it is just another way to express yourself artistically. For those of you that are curious, I have a frog on my shoulder blade and a sun and moon on my hip.
2. My ears are pierced-4 on one ear, 2 on the other. My mom got my ears pierced the first time when I was 4, she says you could hear me screaming from one end of the mall to the other!!
3. My husband and I have 9 dogs.....I have one the rest are his for hunting.
4. I got married the day before my birthday because I was terrified of turning 26 and not being married...weird right??
5. I love to send out RAK's(maybe not random, but totally true). In the last week or two I have sent out 30+.
6. I am terrified of all bugs....all of them....
7. I can't read the same book twice...I can watch the same movie 100 times, but never once have I been able to read a book for the second time.
Okay, so here's the deal...I am supposed to nominate people for all of these awards, but knowing me, I will forget to tell them so I am going to nominate EVERYONE.....you all are the reason I keep coming back and posting so it is appropriate!! If it weren't for all your encouragement, I would have hung it up a long time ago, so thank you!!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!! I will be back in a few with a post of all the FAB RAK's I have received!!